As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thanks for your support! If you are thinking of picking up a NextDraw pen plotter (the successor to the AxiDraw pen plotter), you can take 5% off a NextDraw pen plotter or accessories with discount code DIRTALLEYDESIGN2024 when you buy directly from Bantam Tools.

One advantage of using a pen plotter is the ability to use most any kind of ink and pen for drawing artwork including…metallic pens!

Pen plot art by Michelle Chandra drawn with metallic silver, metallic gold and pink Posca pens and an AxiDraw pen plotter

However, in order to use metallic inks for plotting, you will be limited to disposable gel pens or paint markers such as Posca paint markers. Unfortunately, metallic ink may clog refillable pens!

Posca Paint Marker Example Pen Plots

Since Posca paint markers will completely cover whatever they are drawn on, they are great for drawing artwork on acrylic ink paintings such as this recent series of “space” inspired artwork by Michelle Chandra.

“Space Vortex” by Michelle Chandra drawn with metallic silver, & metallic gold Posca pens

They are also great for thick line designs, and come in beautiful, bright shades. Sohan Murty takes wonderful advantage of this!

Pen plot art series by Sohan Murthy

Why Use Posca Paint Markers for Pen Plot Art?

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